About Karrie Ann Lyons-Munkittrick

WeeDot Art

I created the style of my imaginative art, called WeeDot in 1991 while completing an assignment in a Commercial Art Program (now loosely defined as Graphic Design) for a lettering design project. The project itself was not anything extraordinary, but the idea that it inspired is where I found my love, and where the world became my canvas.

WeeDot is a free-form approach to creating art that employs unstifled imagination, wildly untamed use of color, undefined shapes and visually kinetic movement that burst from the canvas as I create.

WeeDot represents my passion to create life onto the medium of choice with my hands, skill and imagination.

WeeDot means so many things, but I attempt to define it as a life source that drives me to create wonder, capture imagination and push my own personal limits of creativity in each one of my works for all to enjoy!

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© Copyright Karrie A. Lyons-Munkittrick
All artwork is copyright © by Karrie Ann Lyons-Munkittrick. Any use of images, artwork, prints or other reproduction without the express written consent of the artist is unauthorized and is punishable by law. In a nut sheel, DON"T STEAL MY ARTWORK!!!!!